
Guide workshops on the Soca
Guide / Safety

Guide workshops on the Soca, Slovenia

With the IRF GTE starting to come to life again after all the various Covid-19 related issues, we ran guide workshops on the Soca, Slovenia. And workshops have been happening in Canada, Chile, Spain, Switzerland, Slovenia, UK and USA during September and October 2020. Having spent a few months guiding in Iceland I noticed that

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Guide / Safety

Safety course Slovenia includes IRF GTE, Rescue 3 Europe and Basic Life Support

This is a great opportunity to do an intensive workshop where you can obtain certifications from 3 different organisations that are recognised worldwide – WRT – Pro: Whitewater Rescue Technician – Professional, Rescue 3 Europe IRF GT&E: Guide Training & Education, International Rafting Federation BLS: Basic Life Support, American Heart Association Dates: the 31 September to the 7 October 2018, and is

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Rafting Club Vidra to represent Slovenia at the 2016 WRC

Introducing Rafting Club Vidra who will be flying the Slovenian colours in the Open Men’s category at the upcoming World Rafting Champs at Wadi Adventure, Al Ain, in the UAE. And it’s members are: Dejan Kernc, Luka Bratuš, Leon Breznik, Domen Bistan and Matic Jug. This is the first season that they are paddling together in

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Milan Lovrenčič, probably the most well known face in the IRF!

The IRF has the great honour to present to you Milan Lovrenčič. Milan’s first World Rafting Championship was the Camel White Water Challenge in 1997 on the Zambezi, where he was the reserve team member for the Bober (Beaver) team, Slovenia, who have been 6 times World Rafting Champions, a record that will probably never be

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